The Production Environment
The production environment contains the Flask Application, Redis within the production K8s cluster’s default namespace, Mysql outside the K8s cluster.
ArgoDC runs in the argocd namespace and fluentd runs in the fluentd namespace.
Config map will be automatically created/updated at each deployment. But secrets have to be created manually,
after initializing the cluster
Asset registry repo contains the CI pipeline that will build and push the application docker images. Then the CI agent (GitHub Actions) will update this repository with the new k8s configs (Ex: new docker image versions).
Argo CD(Deployed on K8s cluster) will monitor this repo and pull any changes to the K8s cluster.
Configure the Production K8s Cluster
Install ArgoCD on k8s cluster
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl create namespace prod
For ArgoCD and Production
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Login to Argo CD server
kubectl port-forward -n argocd svc/argocd-server 8080:80
Username: admin
Password: Initial password is autogenerated and stored as a secret.
kubectl get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -n argocd -o yaml
copy the password and base64 decode it
echo <password> | base64 --decode
Change the password using the GUI ( use kubectl port-forward -n argocd svc/argocd-server 8080:80
and Login: http://localhost:8080/ )
Apply the docker registry image pull secrets (regcred)
This config contains the credentials for the private docker registry.
This secret can be found here
Be sure to change the namespace property before applying the yaml resource
Spinup a cloud shell
Copy the secret to a file
use kubectl apply
kubectl apply -f <file-name.yaml>
Add other secrets as well - mysql username, password etc
Configure SSL
Lease an IP address from GCP.
Lease a doamin name from freenom (we got
). Then point the domian name to the Production ingress’s IP address
Add a Google managed SSL certificate to the doamin name.
kubectl apply -f asset-registry-config/environments/production/cert.yaml
You may have to wait upto 1 hour to get the certificate created for you.
Create an argo project and deploy the artifacts
Clone this project
git clone
Apply the Argocd application and the Kustomize config map
kubectl apply -f asset-registry-config/argocd/
This method of deploying the application only checks for changes every 3 minutes. If you want to immediately reflect the changes, integrate your GitHub account and select this project using the Argo CD GUI.